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Textile Membrane Roof at Urban-Loritz-Place in Vienna
تغطية ميدان اوربان لورتس في فيينا -النمسا

The membrane roof at the urban-loritz place covers a tramway station and a footpath area in front of a U-Tunnel station with dimensions of 10/30x130 m in plan. The roof consists of 10 membrane fields, which are supported on steel structure stabilised by cables. In the wide part of the roof the membrane structure is supported by double steel arches with spans up to 30 m stabilised by pretensioned cable truss systems. Over the street-intersection area, the membrane roof is supported by air-arch, which is suspended using cables from 4 multi-function masts. In the narrow part of the roof, the membranes are supported by double cantilever arches stabilised by additional cables attached into the mast top. Dr. Saad was the project engineer and manger of the project in all stages of the design. A full structural design of the membrane and the steel structure was carried according to German and Austrian specifications; Dr. Saad was also responsible for preparation of the tender documents and for the supervision of the workshop drawings done by the contractors.

Main Structural Consultant: SBP/Stuttgart

Owner: Authority of City of Vienna

Date: 1998

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